Category: <span>World-Information Institute</span>
As the Hypernormal Hybrid series continues, this evening aims to explore a peculiar and intriguing topic of our algorithmic world: the Unconscious. While the neoclassical interior of Volkstheater’s Rote Bar…
Thursday 10. May 19:30h Rote Bar, Arthur-Schnitzler-Platz 1, A-1070 Lydia H. Liu with Thomas Macho on Freudian Robots Marc Elsberg with Felix Stalder on Fiction and Models (in German) Algolounge:…
Non-human problem solving or the limits of species superiority. Text for Hypernormal Hybrids November 2017 in collaboration with springerin magazine: springerin 1/2018
Hypernormal Hybrids collaboration with springerin magazine: four texts by Susana Monsó, Stefan Woltron, Konrad Becker and Felix Stalder and S.M. Amadae’s article on “Neoliberal Capitalism, Neo-Materialism, and Beyond” under the title…
Painted by Numbers installation at ZKM exhibition “Open Codes – Living in Digital Worlds” in Karlsruhe from 20th October 2017 to August 2018, set up at “Hypernormal Hybrids” at Werk-X…
Relationships between the emerging socio-technical infrastructure and the autonomy of the human subject: Agency, Game Theory & Nudging / Categorization & Golden Cages / Outsourcing Cognition & Freedom / Uncertainty…
“The problem with societies based on prediction is that there are massive interests in these predictions.”