As Felix Stalder (World-Information Institute) explains, the event continues, a series that explores how algorithmic decision-making systems are increasingly permeating various aspects of our culture and everyday life. The series…
World-Information Institute Posts
Friday 10. 11. 2017 Discourse, Performance, Screening S. M. Amadae, Susana Monsó, Stefan Woltran, Napalm Tree, ca.tter & mstep, Boris Kopeinig, Plak, a.o.
Painted by Numbers installation at ZKM exhibition “Open Codes – Living in Digital Worlds” in Karlsruhe from 20th October 2017 to August 2018, set up at “Hypernormal Hybrids” at Werk-X…
Celebrating 15 years of Austria’s most successfull voting-indicator-tool with a relaunch for the paliamentary elections in October
Installation und discourse event with Felix Stalder and Konrd Becker on “Theaters of Algorithmic Dominance” and “Algorithms, that we Need”. Muffatwerk Presentations: 5. July 2017 at 20 h Installation: 05.-08.…
Relationships between the emerging socio-technical infrastructure and the autonomy of the human subject: Agency, Game Theory & Nudging / Categorization & Golden Cages / Outsourcing Cognition & Freedom / Uncertainty…
“The problem with societies based on prediction is that there are massive interests in these predictions.”
Painted by Numbers – Video Installation 04. – 10. March, GRAZmuseum, Panel with Mireille Hildebrandt, Felix Stalder, Katja Mayer – Moderation: Konrad Becker 03. March, 17:30 – 19:00h, Forum Stadtpark…
«Il y a parfois une vérité profonde dans les rumeurs» double page interview with Konrad Becker on the occasion of a TRD release in French by Editions Supernova